" Designed By Lauree: Quick Craft [St. Patricks Day Headband]

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Quick Craft [St. Patricks Day Headband]

With Valentines Day over I'm moving on the the next holidays...St. Patricks Day and Easter! I'm thinking ahead to what the twins will wear just so I can take pictures... its fun even though they don't always cooperate.

This headband was super easy to make and the clover is removable so you can put it on a headband for adults too!

Green T-shirt/Onesie
Glue Gun
Shamrock Template
Snap Barrette
Shimmery Ribbon [optional]
Button [optional]


I used a headband that I've had for my little miss, I've got tons of them. If you are feeling ambitious there is a tutorial from Little Birdie Secrets on how to make one.


Print this template. Trace onto your felt and cut it out.


Using an old t-shirt [or in my case an old onesie] cut out small hearts. I just folded the fabric and free hand cut them, no tracing needed and different sizes are fine. Do the same for your ribbon if you are using it.

I cut out about 20 hearts


You'll need to start gluing the hearts to your clover. This is super easy but super hard to do and photograph alone... Work quickly while your glue is hot.

I started by gluing 4 hearts to my 4 pedals to give it a background. Then I applied the glue to the hearts and placed around the clover, making sure to not glue them down flat but bent so they'll have some curl.

Like this:

After I started gluing 

Add in your ribbon where you'd like, I only used 5 ribbon hearts just to give it some texture.


Once all of the clover was covered I glued some of the onesie to the stem to cover it as well. Then I thought it needed something in the center so I found a white button and hot glued it to the middle.


Apply hot glue to the back of your felt so that only the ends of the barrette will be glued. Press the snap barrette into it, wait about a minute, so the glue is less hot but not completely set, and then open and close the barrette over and over again to ensure only the ends are glued.

Yes I reused some felt, ignore the 1

Then snap it to a headband of your choice!

Getting my toddler to model it for me is not a great idea but here is a cute shot of her being silly. Its a great size for her head.

Can't wait until March 17th!

This was shared with
Wow Me Wednesday
Crafty Thursday Obsessions
Live Laugh Linky
36th Avenue
St Patricks Day Round Up
The Humble Brag
Show and Tell Saturdays
Monday Funday
Keep Calm and Link Up


  1. Turned out so cute, Lauree! I love fabric flowers. Thanks so much for linking up at the Humble Brag!

  2. Wonderful tutorial! I loved the outcome!
    Great post!! I included it in my post Βόλτα στη Γειτονιά #23 :)
    Have a great week!!

    1. Thank you Tina, and thanks for sharing the post.

  3. Love the shamrock!
    The picture of your daughter is cute :)
    Thanks for linking up to our Crafty Thursday Obsessions link up, hope to see you back this week!

  4. What a great shamrock! I love this! I may just have to whip one up for my little one. Thanks for sharing! I'd also love for you to consider linking up to our first ever Pattern Party that starts Friday. Only those with free patterns to share can link. Check it out!

    1. Great thank you Chelsea for sharing the link, I'll be sure to check it out.

  5. Featuring YOU today! Thank you so much for linking up to {wow me} wednesday!

    Ginger @ GingerSnapCrafts.com

