" Designed By Lauree: Quick Craft [Valentine's Day Onesies]

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Quick Craft [Valentine's Day Onesies]

Happy Valentines Day!!!

So I may or may not have woken up early this morning due to a wild hair... I literally whipped up these onesies in less than an hour. They are really easy. First I went through the twins white onesies that were in the "they don't wear" pile. I mean if I'm going to make shirts they will only wear once I might as well use onesies they almost can't even fit into any more, right?

Here is what I did

I started with two plain white onesies, then I cut out a heart in cardstock

Card Stock Heart

Then I used a pencil and traced the heart on both onesies

twin onesies

Next I painted both hearts red using a foam brush. [all materials I've had laying around from other crafts]

ready, set, paint

cute huh?

Next I free hand drew a mustache on Aidan's onesie and a bow on Audree's onesie...

Mustache Heart!

Her pink bow wasn't showing up super well so I used a sharpie and outlined it.. It looks MUCH better.

What do you think???

Twin Valentine's Day Onesies

Cute right? I love them. I'm super impatient, so I used my hair dryer [on the cool setting] to make the drying times much faster.

Happy Valentines Day

This was shared with
Made in a Day
36th Avenue
Create Craft Love
Crafty Thursday Obsessions
Show and Tell Saturdays
The Humble Brag Link Party
The Pin Junkie
Monday Funday


  1. Oh they turned out lovely! I love this idea. Very cute!!

    1. Thank you! I've been really into the bows and mustaches theme lately :)

  2. These are ADORABLE. I love your hair dryer tip, I am impatient as well. Those twins of yours are so cute. Your son's expression made me giggle.

    1. Why thank you! The hair dryer was super useful especially since we were leaving for a play date.. :)

  3. So creative! I would have never thought to create hearts on my son's onesies. I would have automatically went out and purchased something. Your twins are absolutely adorable!!! Great post!

  4. These are so cute! I esp love the mustache one. Thank you for linking up at Crafty Thursday Obsessions. Hope to see you next week

    <3 stacey

    1. Thank you Stacey. I'll be there next week too, thank you for hosting it! :)

  5. These are adorable! Love the little mustache :)
    Thanks for linking up to the Crafty Thursday Obsessions link party!
    Hope to see you back again this week!

    1. Thank you Michelle I'll for sure be back! :) Thanks for Co-hosting it!

  6. OMG so cute! i am in love with the mustache onesie! Thanks so much for linking up last week!
