" Designed By Lauree: DIY Tuesday [Stadium Cupcake Stand]

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

DIY Tuesday [Stadium Cupcake Stand]

I'm a Co-Commissioner in a 12 team Fantasy Football League and this past weekend was our Live Draft... Well we just had to have some football decor!!!

That post will follow soon..

Anyway I had envisioned this football field with cupcakes "watching" the game... So I started looking through my craft room to see what I could do about a Stadium Cupcake Stand...

Here's what I came up with~

Gather Materials

Materials I used:
Styrofoam these were 14"x15" (was in an order from Amazon that I kept for crafting reasons!)
Tape Measure
Knife (actually used a saw but you can use a kitchen knife)
Paint (not pictured here)

Measure where you need to cut

First step is to figure out how many cupcakes you will have and how big of a stand you'll need. I was going to have 12 cupcakes and each was about 3" and I wanted my stand to be two tiers (3 would have been best but too large for this small of a party).

The top tier was going to have 5 cupcakes and 7 on the bottom.

Top Tier Calculations: 5x3= 15"long by 3.5" deep (I added the .5" for more space)

Bottom Tier: 7x3= 21" but since my styrofoam was 14" and I was going to use two side by side I didn't see the need to cut them down from 28"... So I just used 28'long and 3.5" + 3.5"(top tier)= 7" deep

After you figure out your dimensions... Mark your styrofoam

I just used a pen to mark where I needed to cut

Thought a saw would be better than one of my kitchen knives

Next Cut Cut Cut Cut... I used a Saw from my Hubbys Tool Box.... Much better than a kitchen knife but you could totally use one of those too!

 messy job

All stacked up

I stacked the styrofoam to make sure its what I envisioned.... and it was ... just needed color
Left over Craft Smart Paint from the twins party

I would have used spray paint but I didn't want to run out buy some and I found these... so this cupcake stand didn't cost me any $$$$ (well any new $$$)

Here's the finished cupcake stand!

Dont mind my messy garage

Done!!! I'm posting Draft Party pictures soon and you'll see the cupcake stand in action! :)

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