" Designed By Lauree: DIY Tuesday [Knitted Baby Blanket]

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

DIY Tuesday [Knitted Baby Blanket]

As you've seen from my many posts about the Little Blue Baby Shower; my dear friend is having a baby boy in August. I'm so excited for them! My little ones received many loving gifts at their baby shower and to this day they still sleep with baby blankets their great Aunt made for them. I knew right away I wanted to make a baby blanket for the new little one.

The mom-to-be told me about their plans for a soccer themed nursery and I set out to find the perfect pattern. I came across this pattern from Red Heart for a Honeycomb Throw. It was perfect, I had to change the colors but the pattern itself was spot on. Doesn't it look like a soccer net blanket?

I followed the pattern but only used two colors.

Please note this is Red Heart's pattern but I found the instructions a little confusing so I'm posting them here the way I wished they would have read.

Yarns Needed:
2 Skeins White Super Soft Yarn-W
2 Skeins Sage Green Super Soft Yarn-G

I used size 6mm Circular Needles. This is worked in a back and forth pattern using circular needles for length only.

With white yarn cast  on 142 stitches
Rows 1-9: W-Garter stitch [kitting every row]
Row 10-: with W-K5, with G K1, Slip 2,* K6, Slip 2: Repeat from * across until 6 sts are left, K1, With W-K5
Row 11: With W K5, With G Pl, Slip 2, * P6, Slip 2: Repeat from * across until 6 sts are left, P1, With W-K5
Rows 12-15: Repeat Rows 10 & 11 two times
Row 16 & 17: With W Knit
Row 18: With W K5, With G K5, Slip 2* K6, Slip 2:  Repeat from * across until 10 sts are left, K5, With W-K5
Row 19: With W K 5, With G P5, Slip 2*  K6, Slip 2:  Repeat from * across until 10 sts are left, P5, With W-K5
Rows 20-23: Repeat Rows 18 & 19 two times
Row 24 & 25: With W Knit
Rows 26- 31: Repeat Rows 10-15
Rows 32 & 33: With W Knit
Rows 34-39: Repeat Rows 18-23
Rows 40 & 41: With W Knit
Rows 42-47:  Repeat Rows 10-15
Rows 48 & 49: With W Knit
Rows 50-55: Repeats Rows 18-23
Rows 56-65: With W Knit
Bind off

I had never attempted a honeycomb pattern before and I found this video extremely helpful:

Here is the finished product being modeled by my two year old... she was not really into the idea of sitting still for a picture but you can see how big it is.

Can't wait to meet the little one!!

Linked to these parties: Wow Me WednesdaySundae ScoopSerenity SaturdayWeekend Wrap UpTwo Girls & A Party


  1. Hi there-
    Gorgeous blanket! I just started it, and I think there may be an error? Should row 19 read, " *P6, Slip 2, repeat from * " ? I'm not getting stockinette in that area. Please let me know!

  2. Great Article. commentary - I was fascinated by the insight - Does someone know where I might obtain a fillable IRS TD F 90-22.1 document to type on ?

  3. My friend obtained a blank TX Comptroller 05-391 document here https://goo.gl/Vo8DT6
