" Designed By Lauree: DIY Tuesday [Burp Cloths]

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

DIY Tuesday [Burp Cloths]

DIY Burp ClothsOur group of friends have caught baby fever and I've been making all kinds of goodies for little babies all summer.

And these adorable burp cloths are a hit!

I learned with my twins that the only burp cloths that work are cloth diapers, everything else was too thin and left my shoulders covered in spit up [times two!!].

These are simple to make; just add fabric in your favorite patterns to the middle...

Here's how I did it:


6 ply pre-folded cloth diapers
1/2 yd of fabric [you can make a few from the same pattern]
Sewing Machine

1. Wash both the cloth diapers and your fabric to avoid any shrinkage after sewing.

2. Iron both the diaper [as best as you can] and the fabric.

3. Cut the fabric into strips for the middle. I like to lay the fabric on top of the diaper and cut leaving space for the seam. I'd like to tell you exactly what size to cut but each diaper shrinks to a slightly different size, so to be safe measure and cut yourself.

DIY Burp Cloths

4. Take fabric strip lay on top of diaper, fold extra fabric under and iron in place. Repeat all the way around fabric until the middle [padded] part of diaper is covered. Pin in place. You'll have to do this step for each diaper, again they are all a little different after the first wash so take your time and iron each diaper.

DIY Burp Cloths

5. Run through your sewing machine & you're done.

6. Repeat as the same process until you've made your desired amount of burp cloths!

DIY Burp Cloths

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