" Designed By Lauree: August 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Party [Fantasy Football Draft]

Saturday was our Fantasy Football Draft Party...

Its a 12 team league that I'm Co-Commissioner of...... naturally I volunteered to host the party. I immediately started thinking of the layout for the munchies table.

Sorry about the photo quality, I didn't realize how dark this room was until we started taking pictures! (Anyone know a photographer that wants to shoot my work?)

Football Draft Party
I used astroturf that I bought from a home improvement store, the goal posts were made from pvc pipes!! I love how it turned out!

The food:
Chips & Dip
Spinach & Artichoke Dip
Strawberry Cupcakes
Muddy Buddies
Muddy Buddies-Cake Batter Edition (hug hit)
Pigs N Blankets
Meat, Cheeses and Crackers

Close Up of the Field 
Stadium Cupcake Stand

Pigs N Blankets

Everyone had a great time and I'm for sure going to use this table cover and goal posts again!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

DIY Tuesday [Stadium Cupcake Stand]

I'm a Co-Commissioner in a 12 team Fantasy Football League and this past weekend was our Live Draft... Well we just had to have some football decor!!!

That post will follow soon..

Anyway I had envisioned this football field with cupcakes "watching" the game... So I started looking through my craft room to see what I could do about a Stadium Cupcake Stand...

Here's what I came up with~

Gather Materials

Materials I used:
Styrofoam these were 14"x15" (was in an order from Amazon that I kept for crafting reasons!)
Tape Measure
Knife (actually used a saw but you can use a kitchen knife)
Paint (not pictured here)

Measure where you need to cut

First step is to figure out how many cupcakes you will have and how big of a stand you'll need. I was going to have 12 cupcakes and each was about 3" and I wanted my stand to be two tiers (3 would have been best but too large for this small of a party).

The top tier was going to have 5 cupcakes and 7 on the bottom.

Top Tier Calculations: 5x3= 15"long by 3.5" deep (I added the .5" for more space)

Bottom Tier: 7x3= 21" but since my styrofoam was 14" and I was going to use two side by side I didn't see the need to cut them down from 28"... So I just used 28'long and 3.5" + 3.5"(top tier)= 7" deep

After you figure out your dimensions... Mark your styrofoam

I just used a pen to mark where I needed to cut

Thought a saw would be better than one of my kitchen knives

Next Cut Cut Cut Cut... I used a Saw from my Hubbys Tool Box.... Much better than a kitchen knife but you could totally use one of those too!

 messy job

All stacked up

I stacked the styrofoam to make sure its what I envisioned.... and it was ... just needed color
Left over Craft Smart Paint from the twins party

I would have used spray paint but I didn't want to run out buy some and I found these... so this cupcake stand didn't cost me any $$$$ (well any new $$$)

Here's the finished cupcake stand!

Dont mind my messy garage

Done!!! I'm posting Draft Party pictures soon and you'll see the cupcake stand in action! :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Birthday Card Keepsake Book

With the twins 1st Birthday being such a big bash they got tons of special birthday cards from loved ones, a couple from across the globe. I wanted to keep them so they can read them later. I also saw this pin on pinterest....

Here is a fun and crafty way to keep birthday cards

Items I used

Craft Paper Cutter
Glue Dots
Metal Clasp Ring
Scrapbook Paper
Leftover Gift Box
Birthday Cards
**Hole Punch

**I was fooled by this super cute heart shaped hole punch... Don't be. Cards are no joke to punch through some of these cards were super thick and my hand still has not forgiven me for this project. Please don't make my mistake, use a heavy duty hole punch.**

At first I wanted to make two separate card keepsakes but some of the cards are to the both of them and theres really no fair way to split those so I just made one keepsake book.

First Organize the Cards by Size:

I went largest to smallest

Next take your largest card and use this to measure your front and back covers, this is what you need your gift box for.

I allowed for extra space around the card, it was about 1/4" or so....

Using the craft cutter cut out two pieces of the same size.

Using your covers as a guide trace onto your scrapbook paper and cut out paper to cover the gift box. I did Happy Birthday paper for the front and back. For the inside of the covers I used red and pink.

This is what it looks like after the gift box has been covered. I used glue dots to get the paper to stick to the gift box. About 4 per side.

Next I put the cards and the covers onto the metal ring like a book.

I wanted to wrap the middle with a ribbon to keep the book closed most of the time and since I've got boy/girl twins I used blue and pink ribbon.

Measure how long you'll need the ribbon to be to go around the book and tie a bow or whatever ribbon design you'd like.

Since this is two different ribbons I needed to make them "one", using glue dots I put my pink ribbon in the middle of the blue and pressed them together.

Then I wrapped my book and tied a bow. And the keepsake book is done!

Now I just need to add a title to the bottom... It was getting late and I wanted to go to bed so I didn't trust my fancy writing skills. :)

This craft was shared with

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Party [Girly Giraffe 1st Birthday]

Saturday was Keira's first birthday party and it was a great party! Keira's mom put me in charge of all of the party decor and goodies!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The aftermath of birthdays....

 So I've got a fun new project... well a few actually.

I'm doing another 1st Birthday party this weekend, the twins BFF Keira! I'll post party pics next week, promise.

As for new projects heres my To Do List:

1. Clay Feet Prints... this is going to be fun I'm going to be making a tutorial for fun

2. Saving their birthday cards, I've seen a few Ideas on Pinterest.... can't wait to come up with something fun for them to look at when they are older

3. Finish their baby books! :( Does this mean they aren't babies? Boo!

I'm trying to finish the feet today, I'll post this as soon as its done.

Here's a fun contest I found:

Bento Lunch Giveaway