" Designed By Lauree: DIY Tuesday [Miss you Mugs]

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

DIY Tuesday [Miss you Mugs]

One of my best (and oldest) friends moved to Australia 5 years ago this Valentine's Day. I've been lucky enough to see her through some major life events (our weddings & the birth of the twins) despite the geographical difference, thanks to her ability to fly home about once a year. I think about her often and miss her like crazy and I know she's probably not moving back to the states, ever. So I wanted to make us something we could use every day and think about each other. We share a love of coffee so naturally this was the perfect project! 

This is another Pinterst inspired craft...I saw this pin few weeks ago and here is her blog. Such a cute project... 

While I was at Michaels after christmas... I found these mugs on clearance! It just clicked, I knew what to do with these.

These mugs are made for decorating but I'm sure you can do this same project with a sharpie and baking the mugs. [something else I've seen a lot of on pinterest]

What you'll need

Permanent Markers

First I googled maps of USA and Australia. Then I scaled them down to the same size printed them  and then cut them out.

I marked on the paper where each of us lives... then placed the mugs next to each other to make sure I could make a dotted line to the two locations. Then I taped the maps in place.

Next just out line the two maps, then remove tape and mark the two locations.

Then draw a line (I thought dotted was best) connecting the two locations.

 Then I wrote a cute (and corny) quote on the back of each mug.

"you may be out of sight... but never out of mind..."

I then packaged the USA map one and shipped it to her with a picture of the two mugs together. I hope she loves it! :)

This was shared with
Tuesday Confessional
Monday Funday
Ginger Snap Crafts
Live Laugh Rowe
36th Ave
Made in a Day
Show and Tell Saturdays


  1. That is a wonderful gift! How creative!

  2. Awww...these are so cute and so thoughtful! This is a great gift to keep the two of you connected!

    1. Thanks, I'm just waiting to hear if she's received hers yet... I hope it doesn't break on the trip there!

  3. That is a gift that she will love! What a great idea!

  4. Ok these are just too sweet!! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Funday!

    1. Thank you for hosting! :) I love the Monday Funday Party :)

  5. Yup, way too cute! I believe I found out what I'm doing to Christmas this year! Can't wait to try! Thanks for sharing!
    Stopping by from Live.Laugh.Rowe


    1. Dani-yellie these are super easy and my friend LOVED hers. I think personalized gifts are some of the best. :)
