" Designed By Lauree: DIY Tuesday [Patriotic Firework Garland]

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

DIY Tuesday [Patriotic Firework Garland]

Patriotic Firework GarlandThe Forth of July is right around the corner so I thought I'd make a festive garland to add to my mantel. It seems like forever since I updated my mantel but I'll have a Patriotic one to share soon!

This Patriotic  Firework Garland is easy to make and can be used a few times a year; sweet!

Here's what you'll need:

Red & White Twine
Blue & White Twine [I got mine from Pick Your Plum- Love them!]
Large Serving Fork

Patriotic Firework Garland

Take both colors of twine and place them in the middle of the fork. I used a serving fork so mine had a fabulous spot to hold my twine.

Patriotic Firework Garland

Wrap twine around your fork about 30 times.

Patriotic Firework Garland

Take the tail of the twine and wrap it around the middle of the twine.

Patriotic Firework Garland

Gently slide off of fork.

Patriotic Firework Garland

Patriotic Firework Garland

Secure with a very tight knot in the middle.

Patriotic Firework Garland

Take scissors and cut the at the bend of the twine.

Patriotic Firework Garland

Take your thumb and flatten the puff until it looks like a firework.

Patriotic Firework Garland

Tie a few to some more twine and there you have it... Patriotic Firework Garland!

Patriotic Firework Garland

Patriotic Firework Garland

Linked to these parties: Monday FundayWow me WednesdayWeekend Wrap Up PartyGingerly Made

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